最初の方は読みづらくて、放り投げていましたが、ヤマチがアトランタに下りるころから、物語がわかりやすく面白くなってきました。 短篇を集めたような話で、でも勿論各話が色々な方向からリンクし、読みながら発見と驚きがいくつも見付かる話でした。
Finish reading.
This story threw away because it was hard to read. But, it has plainly since Yamati descends to Atlanta, become interesting. It collects short stories,but it was a story to which many it linked from the direction where each story was various, and the discovery and the surprise were found with read.
This story is a super hard SF. but, I read as person's story. Everyone utmost alive. Inoshirou,too. It is a story that wants to see more. I think it is interesting when making it to the animated cartoon of about 20 stories. :)
However, there was a taken action sad a little at the end Yamati. because I feel sympathy for Paolo and Inoshirou. I think that it is hikikomori.